August 2018:
BattleBards music releases - 08/22/2018

The past few months 3 of my music tracks were released on BattleBards, to enhance your Tabletop gaming experiences.
The 3 tracks that are now available are: Divine Beauty (on the "Heavenly Plane" album), Grand Market of Rel Mastra (on the "Centers of Trade" album) and War Preperations (on the "Fighter Academy" album).
You can also listen to these tracks on my SoundCloud. Have a listen to "Grand Market of Rel Mastra" below!
April 2017:
Cublast HD released! - 04/28/2017

Cublast HD has been released on Steam today! These last 6
months I've been working with ThinkFast Studio on this game
and it's finally here :)
You can grab your copy here, on Steam. An Xbox One release will follow later this year.
Check out the Release Trailer below for a little sneak peek of the game and its soundtrack and SFX!
Happy Blasting!
December 2016:
Cublast HD Indiegogo campaign launched! - 12/27/2016

I've recently started working on a new game called Cublast HD with the awesome folks of ThinkFast Studio and we need your help to make Cublast awesome! If you can, please donate and help yourself too, to a gamekey for this awesome game!
Check out the trailer below for a little sneak peek of the game and its soundtrack and SFX!
Want to license my music? - 12/07/2016

Hello friends!
A lot of my music can be licensed, for use in your own
projects, so I have added a little menu item on the top of this
Just click on 'License music' in the menu bar and you
will be taken to Pond5, a great site where I am selling a
portion of my music.
And this library is always growing! New tracks are added every
month, so I'm sure there's something that you like and can use
for your film, game, advertisement, or other project.
May 2016:
Lanterns' Watch - 05/11/2016
I've been working on a new project in the past few months and we recently revealed the name of our game for the first time!

Lanterns’ Watch drops players into the boots of Sentinels: unlikely heroes who harness the power of Solanium Lanterns to combat the terrifying and all-consuming Darkness. A combination of roguelike and action-rpg genres, players will be challenged to strategize and make the most of their abilities to combat a diverse range of fearsome enemies. Successful engagements and objectives will provide players with Light, a powerful resource used to enhance their characters in a roguelike-style progression system through upgrades to their weapons, gear, abilities, and more. Beyond that, Light will be used to fuel player’s powerful Lantern Abilities, as well as remove the cancerous blight of Darkness throughout the world around them. Failure to properly manage this resource will see player’s meet an untimely demise. Will that be you, or will you master the power of the Lanterns and save the world of Byretium?
I'm thrilled to be working with Molotov Industries as the
composer for this game!
We now have an Indie DB page where you can get all the latest
updates: http://www.indiedb.com/games/lanterns-watch
For more updates and more music, check back soon or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
February 2016:
Global Game Jam 2016 - 02/05/2016
Last weekend was the Global Game Jam and I teamed up with the nice folks of Firedroid games to create a game within 48 hours. This time in my hometown Enschede.
The theme this year was 'Ritual' and we made a cool looking game where you have to obey to an AI with an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, so this is not your standard platformer! See the game page for more details.
Check out the music below!
January 2016:
Happy new year! - New project - 01/22/2016
Happy new year everyone!
It's been a while, but I can finally reveal a new project I'm
working on: "Project Grim" (working title).
I can't reveal much more at the time, but it's promising to be a
very exciting game! I, for one, am happy to be working with such
a talented team!
Check out our first Alpha version in action in the video below, featuring some demo music which I composed for the game. Stay tuned for more!
April 2015:
Facebook - 04/30/2015
I now have a Facebook page! Better late than never,
Like my page to receive some more detailed updates and thoughts
about my projects and music. See you there? :)

March 2015:
Renegade X - Beta 4 launched! - 03/24/2015
Beta 4 of Renegade X has just been released with some MAJOR
updates and new additions like new maps and an all new in-game
music jukebox :) Download the game here.
For this beta I remixed 'Just Do It Up!', a classic
Command & Conquer track from composer Frank Klepacki, which
was also used in the Beta 4 launch trailer
Check out the trailer below!
The track can be downloaded here (right-click and 'Save As...'):
- Just Do It Up! (Renegade X Mix)
If you prefer a lossless version of the song, then please head to my SoundCloud or Bandcamp page.
Additionally, you can now license the GDI and Nod victory and defeat tunes, from Renegade X at my Artist Page at Pond5. So if you've been wanting to use the victory and/or defeat themes for your own commercial projects, now's your chance!
Look for the following track titles:
- Victory is Ours (GDI Victory)
- Limitless Power (Nod Victory)
- All For Nothing (Nod Defeat)
February 2015:
Music available for licensing! - 02/28/2015

Hello friends!
Did you know you can license some of my music for use in your
(commercial) projects at Pond5?
Simply head over to my profile page there and look for a track of
your liking.
There's a variety of different styles available to choose from
and I'm constantly adding new stuff!
Some of the original compositions used in Renegade X, including Time To Rock 'n Roll (great for trailer music) and Tension Rising (great for suspense), can now be used in your own, commercial projects.
week, through March 6th, you can buy my music at Pond5 with
a 20% discount!
(Use promo code: SPRINGHERE during checkout)
Stratego single player app release - 02/10/2015

Today, the Stratego app has been completely renewed and the singleplayer version is now available for iOS and Android!
Developed by Youdagames, I composed music and created sound
effects for this game.
You can listen to the Main Theme below this post!
Be sure to check out the game on your favorite platform!
App store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/stratego/id398975927?mt=8&uo=4&at=11lPJ8
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youdagames.stratego
October 2014:
Renegade X - Open Beta 3 has been released! - 10/16/2014

Last week, the Renegade X Open Beta 3 was launched, which is available to download and play for free now!
I composed Win & Lose music for both the GDI and Nod
factions for this new version, which you can download here:
(Right click and Save As)
Lossless versions of these tracks are available at my Bandcamp page.
See you on the battlefield!
August 2014:
Voggel soundtrack preview and another new track! - 08/18/2014
I'm currently working on 'Voggel', a game made by Dutch developer RockItBit. It involves birds, flocks, and all-out mayhem :)
You can listen to a preview of the Main Theme here:
Expect more updates from the game soon!
Audiodraft contest
Recently I participated in a contest held by Audiodraft. The challenge was to create a
relaxing Japanese tune and my entry was picked as one of the
This means you can now buy my track at Audiodraft and get an
EXCLUSIVE license for it! Have a listen to it below, and for
more info and pricing see:
May 2014:
New release: Chef's Diner: Food Rush - 05/30/2014

This week, Chef's Diner: Food Rush has been released for iOS and Windows (called 'Youda Sushi Chef 2').
It is the successor to Youda Sushi Chef which I worked on back in 2009 as a composer/sound designer. Only this time, I had a different role in the development, namely as Audio Director. The music and SFX are by Zino van Hamersveld. It turned out to be an amazing new game, so go check it out on the App Store and on your PC!
March 2014:
The Renegade X open beta has been released! - 03/07/2014

Renegade X, the modification based on the original Command & Conquer Renegade game from back in 2002, has now been released as an open beta! Be sure to grab the game and try it out yourself! I composed the music for the Main Menu and provided some sound effects for in-game.
The game is still in development, so there's the possibility
that more of my audio will be added to the game, but for now,
you can download the two music tracks I composed for Renegade X
(Right click and Save As)
- Time to Rock & Roll [Renegade X Unveil Trailer Music]
I also just now created a Bandcamp page where you can download these tracks (also in lossless format), and I'm planning to make future music available there too. So keep an eye out for that page ;)
November 2013:
Renegade X unveil trailer - 11/28/2013

Recently, I joined the Renegade
X team as a composer & sound designer.
Renegade X is a modification based on the original Command &
Conquer Renegade game, from back in 2002.
The game has been in development for a while now. Last year, a
single player campaign called "Black Dawn" has been released.
Yesterday, the multiplayer mode has finally got a release date: February 26! I had the pleasure to compose music for the reveil trailer below, and I'm also working on the game's music at this moment. Stay tuned for more updates!
July 2013:
Graduated as Master of Music! - 7/26/2013
Time for an update!
I recently graduated as a Master of Music for my MediaMusic
studies at the ArtEZ school of music!
After 7 years I'm no longer a student anymore and I can now
fully focus on composing music and creating sound design for
media - mainly games, 'cause I LOVE games and love to compose
for them, with all the adaptive audio challenges that often come
with it :)
Excited times lay ahead!
May 2013:
Release: Legacy Tales: Mercy of the Gallows - 5/16/2013

Legacy Tales: Mercy of the Gallows has been released last week; the new Hidden Object game from developer Youdagames!
Strange things happen in and around the dark castle at the Dutch coast. Find out how William van der Decken, famous for his battles against pirates, and his lovely wife Isabelle vanished. What happened to her and why was the captain found dead, dressed as a pirate?
I composed the music for this game and also created the sound
effects for it. If you get the Collector's edition, then you
will also receive the soundtrack! To get a taste of the ingame
music, see the video below.
Be sure to also view the trailer!
November 2012:
The music and audio of Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy wins a Dutch Game Award! - 11/28/2012
As stated in my previous post: The music and audio of Youda
Mystery was nominated for a Dutch Game Award in the category
'Best Music and Audio design'. The Dutch Game Award is a big, if
not the biggest, award here in The Netherlands from the Dutch
game industry to a particular game developer or person.
Last week, on Thursday November 22 the winners were announced
during the Control Industry Dinner in Amersfoort, The
And Youda Mystery won!!

I'm really happy and honoured to have been working on Youda Mystery, with the talented people from Youdagames and extremely grateful for the recognition the music and sound design got from the fans and the game industry here in The Netherlands.
Personally, I always find it quite hard to judge my own work,
and the moment a game is released with your music in it is always
a somewhat 'scary' moment.
How will players react to it? Does the audio support the story
of the game enough? Etcetera...
Reading comments and feedback from not only the developer, but
also from fans means a great deal to me and is very useful to
'build' a soundtrack around a game and setting the right mood.
So... thank you all!!
Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy audio has been nominated for a Dutch Game Award! - 11/20/2012

The music and audio from Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy has
been nominated for a Dutch Game Award!
The winners of the awards will be announced on Thursday November
22 during the Control Industry Diner at Game in the City,
Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
Read all about it here.
The music tracks I composed for the game can be found on the music page.
January 2012:
New music: Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy - 01/26/2012
Well, it took a while but here they are!
The music tracks from Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy can be
found on the music page.
November 2011:
Release: Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy - 11/29/2011

Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy, the new Hidden
Object game from Youdagames has been released!
Help Emma resolve the mysteries of her inherited manor in this
A compilation of the music of the game + the official trailer
can be found below.
Music tracks will be uploaded on the site in a few days.
The soundtrack is dedicated to my mother, Mieke Bonder - Rondhuis (1947 - 2011), who passed away on July 27th after a year of heart problems, right in the middle of the development of this game and its soundtrack.
Music compilation:Official trailer:
August 2011:
Youda Legend: The Curse of the Amsterdam Diamond announced for Nintendo DS - 08/17/2011
Hello friends!
Recently, Youda Legend: The Curse of the Amsterdam Diamond
has been announced for the Nintendo DS and will come out in
The Netherlands on September 2nd!
Developer Youdagames and publisher Denda Games are teaming up to
bring you a portable version of this exciting adventure
featuring my score.

I hope you all will enjoy this as much as the PC version!
December 2010:
Youda Farmer 2 release - 12/30/2010
It sure has been a while! Time for a small website update :)
Last month, Youda Farmer 2: Save the Village has
been released!
I have provided additional sound effects to this game.
For more info, please visit the projects

Happy new year everyone!!
July 2010:
Follow me on Twitter - 07/18/2010
I now have a Twitter account. If you'd like to receive updates about my projects and you want to be informed when a new music track is posted on this website, then be sure to sign up :)
Click on the banner below.
June 2010:
New promo video! - 06/11/2010
The 2010 promo video has now been uploaded to YouTube!
New music demos added! - 06/11/2010
A Fantasy and Oriental demo have been added to the music page
Be sure to check it out!
February 2010:
Latest release: Youda Legend 2: The Golden Bird of Paradise - 02/26/2010
The 2nd game in the Youda Legend series has been
The music was again written by me and I also created the sound
effects for this
sequel to The Curse of the Amsterdam Diamond.
Music tracks from the game are now added to the music page.
Maartenbonder.com launched! - 02/26/2010
Hello world!
Maartenbonder.com is now online!
Be sure to check out the music page for audio clips from various game titles & music demos and the projects page for more background info behind the music.